Providing high quality information on the health and wellbeing of the Swindon population

Health Protection Annual Report

Health Protection is a term used to describe a set of activities within the public health system that protects individuals, groups and populations from communicable (infectious) diseases and other threats to health, including non-infectious environmental hazards such as chemicals and radiation. Health protection is one of the responsibilities of the local Director of Public Health, working with key partners including the UK Health Security Agency, the NHS, national government, industry, other agencies and the public.

The Health Protection Annual Report aims to give an overview of the local Health Protection challenges across Swindon, how these are managed at a community level and how we have taken local action.

This report covers the period from 1st April 2022 to 31st March 2023 and provides an overview of key communicable diseases and environmental risks to our population. More recent data has also been included if available.

The full report can be viewed or downloaded via the link below: